Importance of Annual Return Filing with ACRA
For any professional or business owner, one of the most challenging parts of running a business is managing your accounts. Accountancy is not something that many people enjoy doing, which is why so many professionals exist who you could hire. However, many of us try...
Accounting 101 with Financio Singapore
If you are interested in learning more in-depth on how to kick-start your business with Cloud Accounting & Financio. Contact us to make a reservation to our next training session now! Email Us: Contact Us: +65 9695 4688 [pdf-embedder...
What is KYC and why does it matter?
What is KYC and why does it matter? The idea of Know Your Customers is pretty simple —verifying identities, making sure that they are genuine, ensuring they are not from undesirable list and assessing their reputation. Know Your Customer regulation were introduced in...
How to Increase your Chance to Get an Employment Pass
How to Increase your Chance to Get an Employment Pass Salary The MOM requires the salary of applicants to be commensurate with the applicant’s skill level and be competitive enough to meet the manpower needs of the country’s economy. An applicant’s salary...
Is it Possible for an EP to Start a Company?
Is it possible for an EP to start a Company? Yes. It is possible for an EP holder to start a company. You may be the shareholder and hold 100% of the share. Next, get a Singaporean or Singapore PR partner to work as a local director. If this is not possible, engage...
How Do You Appoint a Director in Bizfile+?
What is ACRA's Bizfile? Bizfile+ is an ACRA online government website that helps business owners and corporate secretarial to upload, store and retrieve data on all Singapore businesses. Using Bizfile+ is easy and saves your time in managing your business. What can I...
How To Raise Fund For The Company
How To Raise Fund For The Company? Shares are stock that can be issued to investors to help companies to raise funds. You can issue and sell your shares at any time with the price changes due to its demand for it and the value of the company that originally issued it....
Filing Mistakes To Avoid For Self-Employed Persons – By IRAS
As more and more Singaporeans are becoming self-employed individuals in the workforce, There are many benefits to reap, from being your own boss to flexible work timings. However, Self-employment comes at a cost as they usually have to face more book keeping and have...
Lower your Tax by Donation
The tax system in Singapore is quite straightforward with taxable income and non-taxable income clearly stated in IRAS. However, there are many ways to lower tax legally which are often neglected by business owners who did not engage a TRUE ACCOUNTANT. To...
Singapore Budget Talk 2019, Overview by Luther LLP
On the talk of Singapore Budget 2019 by legal and tax experts David Martiny and Sebastian Blasius from Luther LLP, presented an overview of the much anticipated Singapore...
7 Guidelines to Effective Cash Flow
Embarking on your dream business venture requires a steady cash flow and that goes for ALL types of businesses. “Cash Is King” is an adage popularized in the 1900s that holds true to its name till this day, often used to underline the importance of solid cash flow...
What is Anti Money Laundering act and Laundering Act affect you?
An Anti-Money Laundering Act is a law that prohibits Money Laundering. Money Laundering is the act of concealing the transformation of profits from illegal activities and corruption into ostensibly "legitimate" assets. (Wikipedia) An example of an Anti-Money...